PPH participates in Dental Health Screening.

April 26, 2013: PPH participates in Dental Health Screening. Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) and SBU Dental School co-hosted a Dental Screening Event on April 22, 2013. The event was a tremendous success with over 100 students screened for dental health and 14 groups participating. Represented organizations included PPH, CHILL and CHOICE Peer Educators, Stony Brook LGBTA, Seawolves Against Cancer, Pre-Dental Society, and SB Heals. Long Island Association for AIDS Care (LIAAC) also was in attendance giving free HIV and Hepatitis C testing. The event was also supported by Student Health Services and Commuter Student Services. Seen left is PPH Senior Academic Coordinator Joanie Maniaci with Hugh Finch, DDS, Director of Admissions and Student Affairs for SBU Dental School, SHAC Chair and MPH student Krishna Satish, and Kathleen Valerio from CPO's Health Education Office. Congratulations to all involved on such a successful event! To read more about this event, please visit Stony Brook's Happenings page here.