March 1, 2013: Stony Brook launches Hazing Prevention Video Contest. The Office of Student Activities is hosting a Hazing Prevention Video Contest open to all students. All videos must be 30-60 seconds in length and designed as a commercial or public service announcement. The following information should be included: (1) what does hazing mean to you? (2) what do you believe Stony Brook students can do to prevent hazing? (3) how to report hazing behavior if you experience it or witness is occurring.
All videos that meet the above qualifications will be screened at the Hazing Prevention Video Contest Screening on Wednesday, March 6th at 1PM in the UNITI Cultural Center Lounge in the Student Union. The winning video will receive $250 programming money to go towards the student organization of their choice. Videos must be posted on YouTube and submitted via email to kimberly.stokely@stonybrook.edu by 11PM on Tuesday, March 5th. For more events from Community Pledge and Community Week, please click here.