Students are entitled to one copy of Microsoft Office for either Mac or Windows at no charge. To obtain your free copy you can visit the SeaWolves MarketPlace located in the Student Activities Center, or download a copy from UB Micro. In order to download from UB Micro you must create an account using a valid email address. For downloading help, click here. For more detials on obtaining Microsoft Office, visit
SoftWeb allows you to download software at no charge. Some software available for download on SoftWeb that could be useful are Endnote, Lotus Notes, and anti-virus software. In order to login to SoftWeb just use your net ID and password.
The SeaWolves MarketPlace also offers discounted software that can be useful as a PPH student such as SAS. For a list of all sotware that is available to students at either no charge or a discounted rate please, visit
There is also a virtual SINC site available to all students. This allows students to access the desktop and all of the software applications included in the SINC site from their own computers at no charge, without installing any software.
For a complete list of required/suggested software, click here.