Welcome to the Program in Public Health Online Orientation Program
We are excited you have selected one of the Program in Public Health academic programs to help satisfy your academic and professional goals. We have prepared this Orientation website to instruct you on our policies and procedures and to familarize you with the resources that are available to you as a Stony Brook student.
Please proceed carefully through the Orientation website, as its completion is required for you to be eligible to enroll in courses. The website's pages are designed to follow a particular order. Use the navigation arrows on the right navigation bar. You can track where you are in the site by looking for the bolded text on the navigation bar. On the last page, you will click to be taken to an online Orientation Checklist, which must be submitted to complete the Orientation.
You are responsible for knowing all of the information contained in this site, but don't worry -- there won't be a quiz. Just make sure you understand everything you read here and be sure to read and save the PPH Bulletin/ Student Handbook (you'll need to have Adobe Reader or some other PDF viewer installed). It may be useful to print some of the documents refrenced in this orientation for your own records, so make sure you have a printer available.
Statement of Student Responsibility
Each student is responsible for reviewing, understanding, and abiding by the University's regulations, procedures, requirements and deadlines as described in all official publications. This includes, but is not limited to, the Graduate Bulletin, the Health Sciences Center Bulletin, the Program in Public Health Student Handbook and Bulletin, website, and handouts. In addition, students should keep all record of official correspondence and degree progress for their own record.
In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to update his or her mailing address and e-mail address in SOLAR.
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University is an affirmative action-equal opportunity educator and employer.