This page contains links to the PPH Bulletin, Student Handbook and your Program Advisement Worksheet. You are required to print out, read, and understand both of these documents. Keep this printout on file with your University correspondence as it contains the academic guidelines that you will follow during the course of your studies.
If you are in a combined BA/MPH, BS/MPH, MD/MPH, or DDS/MPH Program you will follow the advising sheet based off of the concentration you have selected.
To open and print these documents, you will need the Acrobat Reader, a free plug-in that is bundled with most web browsers and is also available for download at the Adobe website. If you are a Mac user who has OS X, then you can also use the Apple PDF Viewer.
Before you leave this Orientation website, you will be asked to verify that you have printed and read these documents.
- View and Print the PPH Bulletin.
- View and Print the PPH Student Handbook.
- View and Print the Program Advisement worksheet.