

Faculty Advising

Each student with the MPH program will be assigned a Faculty
Advisor during their tenure in the program. The following rules apply to the faculty-student

  • Whenever
    possible, that advisor will be a faculty member in the student’s
  • Student
    may change advisors at any time with the consent of the Director of the Graduate
    Program in Public Health
  • Students
    who change their concentration will be assigned, or may select, a Faculty
    Advisor in the new concentration

What is the purpose of
the meeting?

  • Discuss
    students’ progress through the program & assess growth
  • Provide
    guidance with independent study and practicum projects
  • Discuss
    the students’ expectations for the future and acts as a touchstone if the
    student is having problems

Faculty Advising Expectations

  • Two mandatory meetings take place at the end of
    the Fall and Spring semesters
    • Can be conducted in person or by phone,
      whichever is preferred by both the student and Faculty Advisor
    • Students will be contacted by the Program to
      schedule an appointment with their Faculty Advisor
  • At other times, students should contact their
    Faculty Advisor directly to make appointments