In conjunction with the Center for Population, Environment, and Health, and the Program in Social and Health Psychology, the Program in Public Health presents a symposium series for the 2015-2016 academic year. This year we are pleased to feature continuing and new PPH faculty, as well as outside speakers from other institutions. All seminars will take place on Thursdays from 4 to 5 pm in the Social Behavioral Sciences building room N403, unless otherwise stated. Please check back for details regarding title and topic for the next upcoming talks.
September 24th: Lauren Hale, Program in Public Health, Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine. The Social Epidemiology of Sleep: The Nights and Daze of Adolescents.
October 8th: Dr. Meliker, Program in Public Health, Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine. Models and Measures of Human Exposure in Environmental Epidemiology:
Examples of Arsenic and Cadmium.
October 22nd: Adam Gonzalez, Department of Psychiatry. Hurricane Sandy Exposures and Health Effects in WTC Responders.
November 12th: Mark Montgomery, Department of Economics. Climate Related Disasters in Latin America: Lessons from DesInventar.
December 10th: John Shandra, Department of Sociology. Holly Reed, Department of Sociology, Queens College. The World Bank, Safe Motherhood, and Maternal Mortality: A
Cross-National Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa
January 28th: Tom Sexton, College of Business. Allegra Noto, Simons Summer Research Fellow, Paul R. Schreiber High School. A Mathematical Model of the Transmission of the Ebolavirus in Guinea.
February 11th: Dr. Clouston, Program in Public Health, Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine. Fundamental social causes of cause-specific mortality: An analysis of US mortality data from 1968-2010.
Feburary 25th: Dr. Evelyn C. Bromet, Department of Psychiatry, and Johan Havenaar, Clinical Director, Mental Health Richmond-Clarence Network Australia. Psychological Aftermath of Nuclear Powerplant Accidents.
March 10th: Dr. Michael T. Schmeltz, DrPH, ASPPH/EPA Environmental Health Fellow at the US EPA. Climate change and Health: An Examination of vulnerability mapping methodologies and risk characterization of vulnerable subpopulations.
April 14th: Dr. Marta Vicarelli, PhD, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts - Amherst. El Nino and Mexican Children: Medium-term Impacts of Early life- Weather Shocks on Cognitive and Health Outcomes.