Pre-Orientation Requirements
The Graduate Program in Public Health requires all students to complete training in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) before the student enrolls in any course work and after matriculation into the Program.
REVIEW AND UNDERSTAND the SBU Policy and Procedure on Research Subjects’ Right to Privacy at:
- UNDERGO HIPAA TRAINING. You must carefully read and understand the HIPAA awareness training materials for research investigators and study staff at:…
TO SATISFY THE TRAINING REQUIREMENT: Send an e-mail to Mary Ellen Herz at with the subject reading: HIPAA RESEARCH TRAINING COMPLETED, and the body of the text reading: ‘I have read and understood the HIPAA awareness training materials and agree to comply with the SBU Policy and Procedures on Research Subjects’ Right to Privacy.’
Candidates enrolled in the MPH program (or any of the combined and current degree programs) requires all students to take the Stony Brook University on-line training program in protection of human subjects in research, offered by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at: Information about this training program is available on the website of the Office of the Vice President for Research:
This training is part of the Human Subject Protections Program at Stony Brook, which ensures that the University keeps safe those individuals who volunteer to participate in our research activities.
Protection of human subjects training must be complete by the end of the fall semester after matriculation in the Program. A copy of the certificate of completion from CITI must be provided to MPH Academic Coordinator.