Campus Safety


Campus Safety

SB Alert! - Stony Brook University's emergency notification structure: SB Alert is a comprehensive notification structure used to alert the campus community in the event of a major emergency and to provide important safety and security information.

Voice, Email and Text Messages: A mass notification system is used to provide voice, email and text messages to members of the campus community. To receive these messages, you must provide a cell phone* number and preferred email address in the SOLAR System. If you do not provide a preferred email address the system will use your campus EPO address. Simply log into SOLAR with your Stony Brook ID number and use the phone and email menu selection to enter your data.*Please note that your wireless carrier may charge you a fee to receive messages on your wireless device.

Report all emergencies (police, fire, medical, psychiatric, or other) to University Police:

Dial 911 from campus phones: (631) 632-3333

From non-campus phones: Dial 321 to report a fire (Code Red) in the Hospital

Non-Emergency Phone Numbers (During regular office hours only)

Environmental Health & Safety: 632-6410

University Police: 632-6350

Weather-related Information/Closings: 632-SNOW: 444-SNOW

For an escorted walk:

Dial 2-WALK (2-9255) from campus phones.

Dial 631-632-WALK from non-campus phones.

For a ride after dark: Call 632-RIDE (2-7433)