Program in Public Health News - 2013

December 23, 2013: PPH Faculty member and MPH alumnus publish work in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Congratulations to PPH faculty member Dr. Tia Palermo and MPH alumnus Jennifer Bleck for their work on the study on gender-based violence in developing countries. The article has been published in the daily beast. Please click here to read the full article, and also please find below the full name and article reference: 

Palermo, T, J Bleck, and Amber Peterman. 2013. "Tip of the iceberg: Reporting and gender-based violence in developing countries."American Journal of Epidemiology in press(Published ahead of print 12 December 2013)

December 23, 2013: PPH Faculty member's paper published in the Social Science and Medical Journal. Congratulations to Dr. Sean Clouston for for having co-authored the article which was published in the Social Science and Medical journal. The main agenda of this study was to determine how associations between socioeconomic status and lung and pancreatic cancer mortality have changed in the U.S. over the last 40 years. Please click here to read the entire paper.

November 13, 2013: Health Communication Student's work Published in Newsday. Congratulations to Sage Robinson for her recent Letter to the Editor being published in Newsday on November 11, 2013. Her letter is in response to an article on food stamp cuts and came out of a guest lecture in her Introduction to Health Communications class with Dr. Kaplan-Liss.  Her letter can be found here

November 06, 2013: PPH Associate Professor presents her research in the recent TEDx talk. Congratulations to PPH Associate Professor Lauren Hale who presented her research on sleep and social justice in a recent talk at TEDx SBU. Please click here to access the YouTube link. 

October 31, 2013: MPH student honored at the Hispanic Heritage Month Closing Ceremony. MPH student, Pamela Icochea Calenzani, was honored at the Hispanic Heritage Month Closing Ceremony with the Community Service Award.  Congratulations!

October 29, 2013: Congratulations Fabio Lima! Fabio Vasconcelos Lima, PPH alumnus, has received the Henry I. Russek Award from the American College of Cardiology (ACC). This award was created to help educate and inspire medical students at a crucial time in their career training, and is granted to only five medical students from the New York Area each year. As a recipient, Fabio will have the opportunity to attend the Annual New York Cardiovascular Symposium in December, 2013, as a Henry I. Russek Student Fellow and will have the chance to meet the ACC Executive Staff. Fabio earned his Bachelors in Pharmacology in 2010, Masters in Public Health in 2012, and is currently pursuing his Medical Doctorate (expected in 2016), all at Stony Brook University. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful student in our community. Congratulations!

October 15, 2013: PPH Director receives Health Care Heroes Award for 2013. Congratulations to Lisa Benzscott, PPH Program Director, for being awarded the Health Care Heroes Award for 2013 under the Health Care Professional category. This is a huge honor for the program. Way to go!

October 02, 2013: MPH student accepted to the GE-NHMA Health Professional Student Leadership & Mentoring Program. Congratulations to MPH candidate Pamela S. Icochea for being one of the 50 talented Hispanic medical and public health students accepted to the GE-NHMA Health Professional Student Leadership & Mentoring Program. The goal of this one year program is to increase the number of Hispanic physicians and public health professionals in primary care. We wish you the best for this endeavour. Great job!

October 02, 2013: PPH Core faculty member selected as an AAMC representative. Congratulations to Dr. Evonne Kaplan-Liss for being elected to be a representative to AAMC CFAS (Counsel for Faculty and Academic Societies) for the School of Medicine. 

October 02, 2013: MPH Candidate to present in the upcoming International Consortium for Emergency Contraception. We would like to wish the best of luck and congratulate Margaret Pichardo (MPH '13) for her upcoming presentation in which she will be presenting the work she did for her Coller award at the International Consortium for Emergency Contraception annual meeting in NYC on October 21st. Keep up the good work!

September 17, 2013: PPH Core faculty member and MPH alum's paper published in the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Congratulations to Dr. Tia Palermo and our MPH alum Jen Bleck for co-authoring a paper published in the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, entitled "A Review of Global Access to Emergency Contraception." To access the paper kindly click here.

August 09, 2013: PPH Core faculty member's article published in Times Beacon Records Media website. Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Hale for having published the article titled "Teenagers' unhealthy habits are linked" in the Times Beacon Record Media website. To read the full article click here

August 08, 2013: MPH alumni's article published in Health Affairs. Congratulations to Jayme Mendelsohn and her co-authors Tara F. Bishop, Matthew J. Press and Lawrence P. Casalino for having published an article in the Health Affairs journal. The article is titled "Electronic Communication Improves Access, But Barriers To Its Widespread Adoption Remain". Health Affairs, 32, no.8 (2013):1361-1367. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1151. Great job!

August 05, 2013: PPH faculty and alumni's research published in the Journal of Academic Medicine. Dr. Edelman, the Goldsteens, and three MPH alumni (Sam Yagudayev, Laura Chiu, and Fabio Vasconcelos Lima) have just published their research in the journal of Academic Medicine. Congratulations to all!! Click here to read more. If that link does not work for some reason please click here

August 03, 2013: MPH Student gets acceptance from one of the top medical schools.  Ahmed Rab, an MPH student here at Stony Brook has been offered an admission at EVMS(Eastern Virginia Medical School). EVMS is one the top medical schools in the country, and among the top 20 with respect to graduate students entering primary care. We wish Ahmed the very best in his future endeavors.

July 30, 2013: PPH core faculty member's research article selected as one of the Top 10 articles of 2012. Heartiest congratulations to Dr. Amy Hammock and her collaborators at University of Michigan for making it to the Top 10 list of best Violence Research articles in 2012. To read the entire article click here. Great job!

July 25, 2013: Core faculty member interviewed with Radio Health Journal. PPH core faculty member Evonne Kaplan-Liss was interviewed with Radio Health Journal about improvisation being taught to medical students on campus. To listen to the interview, visit and click "Medicine in Plain Language" on the right hand side under podcasts. Great job!

July 25, 2013: MPH alum and current staff member featured in the Greene Gazette. MPH alum and current staff member Casey McGloin was featured in the Greene Gazette (through Stony Brook's School of Journalism) for her work in developing a food pantry on campus. The food pantry will open this September to combat "food insecurity" on campus. For more information, you can read the article here. We commend Casey for all of her hard work!

July 5, 2013: PPH core faculty member receives partnership award. Core faculty member Amy Hammock was recognized by the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of the Dean of Students, who presented her with the Frederick R. Preston Partnership Award earlier this week. The award recognizes a member of the community whose work exemplifies outstanding contributions and service to the quality of student life on Stony Brook's campus. To view pictures from the event, please visit our Flickr page. Congratulations to Dr. Hammock!

July 5, 2013: MPH student presents findings on Long Islander's perceptions. What do over 800 Long Islanders think is the most important public health concern in the community where they live? What do they think about the availability of primary care physicians? What do they think about the availability of speciality care physicians? Current student Mahrukh Riaz worked in collaboration with Drs. Benz Scott and Edelman to answer these exact questions. Riaz presented the findings to a group of faculty members and students in early May. To find out for yourself, view the results of a recent telephone survey of households in Nassau and Suffolk counties here. Great work! 

July 5, 2013: MPH alumni have abstract accepted for presentation. Alumni Fabio V. Lima, Mike Yen, and Puja Parikh had their abstract accepted for poster presentation at the 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America. The title of the abstract is Association of Intrapartum Cardiomyopathy with Adverse Cardiac Events in Pregnant Women in the U.S., and was written with senior author and Stony Brook Medicine faculty member Kathleen Stergiopoulos. The group will be presenting in September in Orlando, Florida. For more information on the HFSA meeting, please visit Congratulations to our alum!

June 21, 2013: PPH alumna published in journal. MPH alumna Britney Evans ('07) was involved with an article titled "Meal Planning Practices with Individuals in Health Disparity Zip Codes" that was published in this month's issue of The Journal of Nurse Practitioners. Please click here to read the article. Congratulations Britney!

June 21, 2013: PPH alum receives supporting author acknowledgment. Alum Kadhambari Sridhar has received supporting author acknowledgement in a Women's Refugee Commission publication titled "Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs in Humanitarian Settings: An In-depth Look at Family Planning Services." Congratulations Kadhambari!

June 21, 2013: Congratulations Krishna Satish! MPH/MAPP student Krishna Satish has been awarded the New York State College Health Association (NYSCHA) Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2012-2013) for her efforts as Graduate Chair of the Stony Brook University Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). She is recognized for her successful outreach efforts including the coordination of the campus dental health screening event. To read more about her outstanding accomplishments and the award, please click here. Congratulations Krishna, you deserve it!

May 15, 2013: Congratulations Ann Cuccia! MPH student Ann Cuccia, along with physicians in Stony Brook's Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, were published in the Journal of Aerosal Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. The title of the article is "In Vitro Delivery of Aerosolized Treprostinil via Modern Mechanical Ventilation" and can be read here. Congratulations to all of the collaborators!

May 7, 2013: Congratulations Carrie Shandra! GPPH core faculty member Dr. Carrie Shandra has received the Disability Policy Research Emerging Investigator Award. Carrie's project is titled, "Productivity Among Working-Age Disability Beneficiaries" and uses the American Time Use Survey to examine how people receiving Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income spend their time in behaviors that might link them to the labor market, increase their human capital, or facilitate social inclusion.

The Disability Policy Research Emerging Investigator Award Program provides up to $30,000 to junior faculty to study current Social Security Administration (SSA) disability program issues and issues relevant to other federal programs used extensively by people with disabilities.  The Emerging Investigator Program is part of the Disability Research Consortium, funded by the Social Security Administration (SSA), and projects are expected to contribute to the investigator’s ongoing disability policy research agenda and lead to additional extramural funding. Congratulations Dr. Shandra!

May 3, 2013: Congratulations Krishna Satish! MPH student Krishna Satish will receive the New York State College Health Association Outstanding Student of the Year Award for her efforts leading the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) as the Graduate Chair for 2012-2013. Krishna has had successful outreach efforts linked to her role in planning the recent Dental Screening in partnership with the School of Dental Medicine. Great work Krishna!

May 3, 2013: MPH Student Published in Newsday! Congratulations to Tracy Trypuc for her recent Letter to the Editor being published in Newsday on April 29, 2013. Her letter is titled "Energy drinks are a danger to kids" and can be read here. The letter stemmed from an ongoing fight from the Suffolk County Board of Health to introduce legislation that protects minors from the caffeine in popular energy drinks. A detailed account of the ongoing story can be found here.

April 12, 2013: Congratulations Ariba Hashmi! Congratulations goes out to MPH student Ariba Hashmi for passing the CPH exam in February. We wish you the best of luck in your future in public health.

April 5, 2013: MPH Student Published in Newsday! Congratulations to Anthony Conrardy for his recent Letter to the Editor being published in Newsday on March 19, 2013. His letter is titled "LI is sadly in denial about heroin use" and can be read here. The letter stemmed from an assignment in Dr. Hale's class and we are very happy that Anthony's voice is getting recognized.

April 5, 2013: Two MD/MPH students matched at residency programs! A huge congratulations goes out to Dr. Jorge Sanchez, who is going to Massachusetts General Hospital for Internal medicine, and Dr. Brian Jonat, who matched at Columbia for Pediatrics. We are extremely proud of you both and wish you the best of luck in your next phase of healthcare education and training!

February 21, 2013: Grant Proposal Accepted! GPPH students Michael Yen, Kyle Urbanczyk, and Jorge Sanchez, have received a $10,000 grant from the Allstate Foundation. The grant was applied for during the Capstone Seminar course, supervised by Dr. Lauren Hale and Dr. Lucy Weinstein. The grant will be used to promote advocacy and awareness for safe driving in Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau, and Suffolk County areas. This is one great example of how GPPH integrates competencies and connects to practical needs and opportunities in public health. Great job to all involved and congratulations!

February 7, 2013: Congratulations Lauren Hale! Dr. Lauren Hale, core faculty member in the Graduate Program in Public Health, has had her paper selected as Women's Health Iniative's publication of the month. The paper, Fibrinogen may mediate the assosication between long sleep duration and coronary heart disease, is featured on WHI's homepage. Great job Lauren!

January 21, 2013: Congratulations Carrie Shandra!  Carrie Shandra, Assistant Professor of Sociology and core faculty member for GPPH, was invited to speak about her research at a policy forum next month. The forum, titled "Growing Pains: How Disability, Risky Behaviors, and Expectations During Youth Influence Early Adult Outcomes," will take place in Washington, DC on February 21st. Dr. Shandra is going to be one of five expert panelists speaking at the event. For more information about the forum and details on how to register to attend, please click here.

January 14, 2013: Congratulations Rebecca Monastero! Mentee of Jaymie Meliker, Rebecca Monastero was recently named Semifinalist in the 2013 Intel Science Competition for her research on mercury and fatty acid interactions in seafood consumers. Rebecca is one of 34 semifinalists that was mentored by a Stony Brook faculty member, which is nearly fifty percent of all Long Island semifinalists. To read the university press release, please click here. Great work Rebecca!

January 14, 2013: Congratulations Lisa Benz Scott! Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Benz Scott, GPPH Director, who was recently interviewed and cited on regarding her published work, Effect of Patient Navigation on Enrollment in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Dr. Benz Scott worked diligently on this study and we are proud of the recognition she is receiving! To read the full interview, please click here.