Lisa A. Benz Scott, Ph.D. Executive Director and Professor, Core Faculty, Program in Public Health Director, Master of Health Administration (MHA) Program Director, Stony Brook Medicine's Health Libraries Program (HeLP) OFFICE: HSC 3-071 EMAIL: lisa.benzscott@stonybrook.edu Connect with Dr. Benz Scott on ORCID |
Post-Doctoral Fellow, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Health Scholars Program, Training Site: Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health (2000-2002)
Ph.D., Health Policy and Management, Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health (1996-2000)
MS, Health Promotion, Purdue University (1994-1996)
BA, Psychology, Stony Brook University (1990-1994)
Academic Interests:
Community-based Participatory Research; Inter-Professional Education (IPE) Pedagogy, Practice, and Community-Academic Partnerships; Health Behavior Theory and Research; Cardiac Rehabilitation Access and Utilization; Gender, Race, Ethnicity Disparities; Translational Research.
Honors, Awards & Affiliations:
Healthcare Hero, Long Island Business News, Health Professional Category, November 2013
2012 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, Stony Brook University recipient. Presented by the University’s President, Dr. Samuel Stanley, October 2012.
Presidential Commendation (for outstanding service to the American Academy of Health Behavior, as Chair of the 2011 Conference Planning Committee). Presented March 20, 2011.
Qualified Member, The American Academy of Health Behavior, July 2007 – present.
American Academy of Health Behavior, inaugural recipient of the Judy K. Black Early Career Health Behavior Research Award in recognition of innovative and rigorous early-career health behavior research that makes an important contribution to science or practice. Presented March 6th, 2006.
Affiliate Member, The American Academy of Health Behavior, 2004 – June 2007.
Alpha Eta The National Honor Society of the Allied Health Professions, Inducted June 2005.
Honorable Mention, the 2000 John C. Hume Award for excellence in dissertation research, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management.
Teaching Assistant of the Year, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 1997 - 1998
Eta Sigma Gamma Honorary for Health Education, 1995
Certified Health Education Specialist, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, 1995 – 2000
Pre-doctoral Fellow, National Research Service Award (T32 trainee under Dr. David Levine, PI), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, September 1998 – May 2000.
Research Interests:
Dr. Benz Scott conducts research and professional service activities that target priority issues in community health and health care, including but not limited to addressing social and behavioral determinants of health in partnerships with public libraries; team-based inter-professional education (IPE) in the health professions; access to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs; and, the training of lay health advisors (as community health workers or patient navigators) to provide basic health education and support that will improve the use of quality health services among underserved communities.
Select Publications:
Mathews, L, Mok, Y, Ding, N, Cudjoe, T, Riekert, K, Kucharska-Newton, A, Coresh, J, Benz Scott, L, Stewart, K, Ndumele, C, and Matsushita, K (In press, March 2024). Social Support, Social Isolation, and Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Participation among Older Adults in the Community: The ARIC Study. Journal American Heart Association. Accepted March 14, 2024.
Hammock, A., Pandolfelli, G., Samuel, T., Fils-Aimé, P., Grande, M., D'Ambrosion, M., ... & Scott, L. B. (2023). Understanding how suburban public librarians respond to the health and social needs of communities. Library & Information Science Research, 45(1), 101217.
*Pandolfelli, G., Koos, J. A., & Benz Scott, L. (2022). An analysis of ALA-accredited MLS curricula indicates deficiencies in the initial training provided for public librarians. Health Information and Libraries Journal. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12443
Stony Brook Medicine Healthy Libraries Laboratory (HLL). *Pandolfelli, G; Hammock, H; Topek-Walker, L; *D’Ambrosio, M; *Tejada, T; Della Ratta, C; LaSala, ME; Koos, JA; Lewis, V; Benz Scott, L. (2021). An Interprofessional Team-Based Experiential Learning Experience in Public Libraries. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. https://doi.org/10.1177/23733799211048517
Smith, Matthew Lee; Reitzel, Lorraine R.; Rath, Jessica M.; Benz Scott, Lisa; and Seal, David Wyatt (2019). Advancing academic careers through formal professional mentorship: The Research Scholars Mentorship Program (RSMP). Health Behavior Research: Vol. 2: No. 4. https://doi.org/10.4148/2572-1836.1071
*Hunt, Lydia; *Tkach, Nicholas; Kaushansky L; Benz Scott L. (2019). Analysis of an interprofessional experiential learning program utilizing the case of Henrietta Lacks. Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1177/2373379919875750
Smith S, Endee L, Benz Scott L, Linden P. (2017). The future of respiratory care: Results of a New York State survey of respiratory therapists. Respir Care 62(3):279-287.
*Ali-Faisal SF, Colella TJF, *Medina-Jaudes, N, Benz Scott L. (2017). The effectiveness of patient navigation to improve healthcare utilization outcomes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Patient Education and Counseling 100, 436–448.
*Justvig SP, Li J, Carvella G, Chen M, Wang H, Benz Scott LA, Pati S. (2017). Improving adherence to care recommendations using a community health worker (CHW) intervention with the pediatric medical home. Journal of Community Health 42(3), 444-452.
*Ali-Faisal SF, Colella TJF, *Medina-Jaudes, N, Benz Scott L. (2017). Patient navigation effectiveness on improving cancer screening rates: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Oncology Navigation and Survivorship 8(7). Available at: http://www.jons-online.com/issues/2017/july-2017-vol-8-no-7/1648-patien…
*Ali-Faisal SF, Benz Scott L, Johnston L, Grace SL. (2016). Cardiac rehabilitation referral and enrolment across an academic health sciences centre with eReferral and peer navigation: A randomised controlled pilot trial. British Medical Journal Open 6(3): e010214. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010214
Smith S, Brittelli J, Benz Scott L. (2014). Awareness of the 2010 guidelines implemented by the New York State Education Department for Respiratory Therapists in their role as clinical preceptors. Respiratory Care 59(12), 1846-1850.
Colella, T, *Gravely, S., Marzolini, S., Grace, SL., Francis JA, Oh, P, Benz Scott, L.A. (2014). Sex bias in referral of women to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation? A meta-analysis. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 22(4), 423-441. doi: 10.1177/2047487314520783
Samayou L., Grace SL, *Gravely S, Benz Scott, LA, Marzolini S, Colella T. (2014). Sex differences in cardiac rehabilitation enrollment: A meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30, 793-800.
Benz Scott, L.A., *Gravely S., Sexton T., *Broztek, S; Brown, D. (2013). Examining the effect of a patient navigation intervention on outpatient cardiac rehabilitation awareness and enrollment. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 33(5), 281-291.
Benz Scott, L.A., *Gravely S., Sexton T., Broztek, S; Brown, D. (2013). Effect of patient navigation on enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation. JAMA Intern Med 173(3), 244-246. {Letter to Editor}
Benz Scott, L. (2010). A call for intervention research to overcome barriers to women’s enrollment in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. Journal of Women’s Health, 19(11): 1951-1953.
Benz Scott, L. (2008). Referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: Intervention research at the patient, provider, and health system levels. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 5, 671-672.
DeTurk, W; Benz Scott L. (2008). Physical therapists as providers of care: Exercise prescriptions and resultant outcomes in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs in New York State. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, 19(2):44-52.
*Essex, B; Benz Scott, L. (2008). Chronic stress and coping strategies among volunteer EMS personnel. Prehospital Emergency Care, 12(1), 69-75.
Benz Scott, L; Curbow, B. (2006). The Effect of Message Frames and CVD Risk Factors on Behavioral Outcomes . American Journal of Health Behavior, 30(6):582-597.
Kollef, M.H., Leeper, K.V., Anzueto, A., Morrow, L.E., Benz Scott, L., Rodino, F.J., Niederman, M.S. (2006). Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns among patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia: Descriptive findings from the Assessment of Local Antimicrobial Resistance Measures (ALARM) Study. Chest, 129(5):1210-8.
Curbow, B.A., Fogarty, L.A., McDonnell, K.A., Chill, J.C., Benz Scott, L.A. (2006). The role of physician characteristics in clinical trial acceptance: Testing pathways of influence. Journal of Health Communication, 11(2), 199-218.
Bowie, J.V., Curbow, B., Garza, M.A., Dreyling, E.K., Benz Scott, L., McDonnell, K.A. (2005). A review of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening interventions in older women. Cancer Control: Cancer, Culture and Literacy Supplement, November, 58-69.
Benz Scott, L.A., Allen, J.K. (2004). Providers’ perceptions of factors affecting women’s referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs: An exploratory study. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 24, 387-391.
Allen, J.K., Benz Scott, L.A., Stewart, K., Young, D. (2004). Disparities in women’s referral to and enrollment in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19, 747-753.
Curbow, B.A., Bowie, J., Garza, M., McDonnell, K., Benz Scott, L., Coyne, C., Chiappelli, T. (2004). Community-based cancer screening programs in older populations: Making Progress But Can We Do Better? Preventive Medicine, 38(6), 676-693.
Curbow, B.A., Fogarty, L.A., McDonnell, K.A., Chill, J.C., Benz Scott, L.A (2004). Can a brief video intervention improve breast cancer clinical trial knowledge and beliefs? Social Science & Medicine. 58(1), 193-205.
Allen, J.K., Benz Scott, L.A. (2003). Alternative Models in the Delivery of Primary and Secondary Prevention Programs. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18(2), 72-78.
Benz Scott, L.A., *Ben-Or, K., Allen, J.K. (2002). Why are women missing from outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs? A review of multilevel factors affecting referral, enrollment, and completion. Journal of Women’s Health, 11(9), 773-791.
Scott, L.A., Black, D.R. (1999). Role modeling: An opportunity for the health education specialist. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 623-624.
Scott, L.A., Black, D.R. (1999). Health communication and professional preparation: Health educator credibility, message learning, and behavior change. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 609-620.Commentary: Veach CC & Cissell WB. (1999). Role Modeling: A Dilemma for the Health Education Specialist. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 621-622.
Savage, M.P., Scott, L.A. (1998). Physical activity and rural middle school adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 27(2), 245-253.
Note: * denotes trainees (pre- and post-doctoral mentees)
Book Chapters:
Black, D.R., Scott, L.A. (1997). Self-administered interventions: An alternative to service delivery. In E.A. Blechman & K.D. Brownell, (Eds.), Behavioral medicine for women: A comprehensive handbook (pp. 333-337). New York: Guilford.
Lehmann, C; Benz Scott, L; Giacini, J. (2009). E-Health Technology for Detecting and Managing Chronic Disease. Handbook of Research on IT Management and Clinical Data Administration in Healthcare pp. 19-33). IGI Publishing.
Benz Scott, L. (2013). Behavior Modification and Risk Factor Reduction: Guiding Principles and Practices. Chapter 2, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AAVCPR), Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs (5th Edition). Editor in Chief, Dr. Mark Williams.
1. Smith S, Endee L, Benz Scott L, Linden P. (2017). The future of respiratory care: Results of a New York State survey of respiratory therapists. Respir Care 62(3):279-287.
2. *Ali-Faisal SF, Colella TJF, *Medina-Jaudes, N, Benz Scott L. (2017). The effectiveness of patient navigation to improve healthcare utilization outcomes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Patient Education and Counseling 100, 436–448.
3. *Justvig SP, Li J, Carvella G, Chen M, Wang H, Benz Scott LA, Pati S. (2017). Improving adherence to care recommendations using a community health worker (CHW) intervention with the pediatric medical home. Journal of Community Health 42(3), 444-452.
4. *Ali-Faisal SF, Colella TJF, *Medina-Jaudes, N, Benz Scott L. (2017). Patient navigation effectiveness on improving cancer screening rates: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Oncology Navigation and Survivorship 8(7). Available at: http://www.jons-online.com/issues/2017/july-2017-vol-8-no-7/1648-patient-navigation-effectiveness
5. *Ali-Faisal SF, Benz Scott L, Johnston L, Grace SL. (2016). Cardiac rehabilitation referral and enrolment across an academic health sciences centre with eReferral and peer navigation: A randomised controlled pilot trial. British Medical Journal Open 6(3): e010214. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010214
6. Smith S, Brittelli J, Benz Scott L. (2014). Awareness of the 2010 guidelines implemented by the New York State Education Department for Respiratory Therapists in their role as clinical preceptors. Respiratory Care 59(12), 1846-1850.
7. Colella, T, *Gravely, S., Marzolini, S., Grace, SL., Francis JA, Oh, P, Benz Scott, L.A. (2014). Sex bias in referral of women to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation? A meta-analysis. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 22(4), 423-441. doi: 10.1177/2047487314520783
8. Samayou L., Grace SL, *Gravely S, Benz Scott, LA, Marzolini S, Colella T. (2014). Sex differences in cardiac rehabilitation enrollment: A meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30, 793-800.
9. Benz Scott, L.A., *Gravely S., Sexton T., *Broztek, S; Brown, D. (2013). Examining the effect of a patient navigation intervention on outpatient cardiac rehabilitation awareness and enrollment. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 33(5), 281-291.
10. Benz Scott, L.A., *Gravely S., Sexton T., Broztek, S; Brown, D. (2013). Effect of patient navigation on enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation. JAMA Intern Med 173(3), 244-246. {Letter to Editor}
11. Benz Scott, L. (2010). A call for intervention research to overcome barriers to women’s enrollment in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. Journal of Women’s Health, 19(11): 1951-1953.
12. Benz Scott, L. (2008). Referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: Intervention research at the patient, provider, and health system levels. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 5, 671-672.
13. DeTurk, W; Benz Scott L. (2008). Physical therapists as providers of care: Exercise prescriptions and resultant outcomes in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs in New York State. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, 19(2):44-52.
14. *Essex, B; Benz Scott, L. (2008). Chronic stress and coping strategies among volunteer EMS personnel. Prehospital Emergency Care, 12(1), 69-75.
15. Benz Scott, L; Curbow, B. (2006). The Effect of Message Frames and CVD Risk Factors on Behavioral Outcomes . American Journal of Health Behavior, 30(6):582-597.
16. Kollef, M.H., Leeper, K.V., Anzueto, A., Morrow, L.E., Benz Scott, L., Rodino, F.J., Niederman, M.S. (2006). Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns among patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia: Descriptive findings from the Assessment of Local Antimicrobial Resistance Measures (ALARM) Study. Chest, 129(5):1210-8.
17. Curbow, B.A., Fogarty, L.A., McDonnell, K.A., Chill, J.C., Benz Scott, L.A. (2006). The role of physician characteristics in clinical trial acceptance: Testing pathways of influence. Journal of Health Communication, 11(2), 199-218.
18. Bowie, J.V., Curbow, B., Garza, M.A., Dreyling, E.K., Benz Scott, L., McDonnell, K.A. (2005). A review of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening interventions in older women. Cancer Control: Cancer, Culture and Literacy Supplement, November, 58-69.
19. Benz Scott, L.A., Allen, J.K. (2004). Providers’ perceptions of factors affecting women’s referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs: An exploratory study. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 24, 387-391.
20. Allen, J.K., Benz Scott, L.A., Stewart, K., Young, D. (2004). Disparities in women’s referral to and enrollment in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19, 747-753.
21. Curbow, B.A., Bowie, J., Garza, M., McDonnell, K., Benz Scott, L., Coyne, C., Chiappelli, T. (2004). Community-based cancer screening programs in older populations: Making Progress But Can We Do Better? Preventive Medicine, 38(6), 676-693.
22. Curbow, B.A., Fogarty, L.A., McDonnell, K.A., Chill, J.C., Benz Scott, L.A (2004). Can a brief video intervention improve breast cancer clinical trial knowledge and beliefs? Social Science & Medicine. 58(1), 193-205.
23. Allen, J.K., Benz Scott, L.A. (2003). Alternative Models in the Delivery of Primary and Secondary Prevention Programs. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18(2), 72-78.
24. Benz Scott, L.A., *Ben-Or, K., Allen, J.K. (2002). Why are women missing from outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs? A review of multilevel factors affecting referral, enrollment, and completion. Journal of Women’s Health, 11(9), 773-791.
25. Scott, L.A., Black, D.R. (1999). Role modeling: An opportunity for the health education specialist. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 623-624.
26. Scott, L.A., Black, D.R. (1999). Health communication and professional preparation: Health educator credibility, message learning, and behavior change. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 609-620.
Commentary: Veach CC & Cissell WB. (1999). Role Modeling: A Dilemma for the Health Education
Specialist. Health Education & Behavior, 26(5), 621-622.
27. Savage, M.P., Scott, L.A. (1998). Physical activity and rural middle school adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 27(2), 245-253.