Lauren Hale, Ph.D.

Image of Lauren Hale


Lauren Hale, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Family, Population, and Preventive Medicine

Core Faculty, Program in Public Health

Director, Ph.D. Population Health and Clinical Outcomes Program

Director of Faculty Development

Affiliated Member of Women Studies



Founding Editor-in-Chief, Sleep Health

Connect with Dr. Hale on ORCID and Google Scholar


Ph.D., Public Affairs focusing in Population Studies, Princeton University (2003)
M.A., Public Affairs, Princeton University (2001)
A.B., Environmental Science and Public Policy, Harvard University (1998)

Academic Interests:

Social Determinants of Sleep, Health Disparities, Demography, Maternal and Child Health, Women’s Health, Health in Retirement

Honors, Awards & Affiliations:

Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Conference. One of two women at the Stony Brook School of Medicine sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs to attend this AAMC conference. 2009

UUP Professional Development Grant. Stony Brook University, $1000 Grant to partially support travel to Turkana Basin Institute in northern Kenya.  2009

RAND/NICHD Fellowship in Population Studies, 2003-2005

Joint post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.  

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation—Center for Health and Wellbeing Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2002-2003 Joint fellowship from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Princeton University’s Center for Health and Wellbeing.

Wisconsin Symposium on Emotions Travel Award. University of Wisconsin, 2002, 2003

Henry A. Murray Dissertation Grant, 2002.Murray Research Center, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University.

Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Student Scholarship, 2002. Funding to attend workshop, “Analyzing Longitudinal Trajectories Using AMOS and SAS PROC TRAJ.”

Graduate School Summer Funding.  Princeton University, Summer 2001; 2002

Princeton University Fellowship.  Princeton University, 1998-2002

Shield Award for service to Dunster House.  Harvard University, 1998

Aurelio Peccei Award, 1997.Award given for best research paper at the Young Summer Scientist Program. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.

Young Summer Scientist Program Fellowship, 1996. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.  Funded by the Environmental Science and Public Policy Department, Harvard University. 1996.

Select Grants:

NHLBI R01HL122460 Hale (Co-I, 15% Y1, Y2, & Y5, 5% Y3 & Y4)  12/01/2014-11/30/2019 "Neighborhood Change:  Impact on Sleep and Obesity-Related Health Disparities".  Multiple PIs:  Wendy Troxel and Tamara Dubowitz.  Lauren Hale (Stony Brook University) and Daniel Buysse (University of Pittsburgh).

NICHD R01HD073352 “Biopsychosocial Determinants of sleep among teens in Fragile Families.    PI:  Lauren Hale  (30-40% for 5 years)  8/9/2013-5/31/2018 Co-Investigators:  Orfeu Buxton (Penn State University), Daniel Notterman (Penn State University College of Medicine) and Lawrence M. Berger (University of Wisconsin, Madison).  Consultant:  Amy Wolfson (Holy Cross University), Jeanne-Brooks-Gunn (Columbia University), Richa Saxena (Massachusetts General Hospital), Anne-Marie Chang (Brigham Women's Hospital). Funded Summer 2013, approximately $3.3 million.

NIEHS R21 ES 022931 Hale (Consultant)  9/26/2012-8/31/2014  "Sleep and Health in the Social Environment."PI:  Michael Grandner (University of Pennsylvania).  Co-Investigators:  Charles Branas (University of Pennsylvania), Rebecca Lang (University of Pennsylvania).  Consultants:  Lauren Hale (Stony Brook University), Allan Pack (University of Pennsylvania), Greg Maislin (University of Pennsylvania). Approximately $436,000.  

NIDDK R21 DK089414 Hale (Multiple PI with Reither and Krueger)   8/1/2011-7-31/2013  “Sleep, Obesity, and Health-Related Quality of Life of Adolescents.”  Multiple PIs:  Eric Reither (Utah State University) and Lauren Hale (Stony Brook University) and Patrick Krueger (Unviersity of Colorado, Denver). Consultant:  Paul Peppard (University of Wisconsin, Madison).

NIA R01 AG036838 Hale (Co-I – 18% for 5 years)   8/1/2010-7/31-2015  “The REST Study:  A Longitudinal Bidirectional Examination of Retirement and Sleep.”  Principal Investigator:  Paul Peppard (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Co-Investigators:  Lauren Hale (Stony Brook University), Elliott Friedman (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Javier Nieto (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Mari Palta (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Robert Hauser (University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Project Funding:  $2,752,080. Subcontract to Stony Brook (Hale PI): $435,855.

NICHD     R21HD060208  Hale (PI – 30% for 2 years)   9/1/2009-8/31/2011  “Disadvantaged Children:  Predictors & Outcomes of Sleep Behaviors.” Principal Investigator:  Lauren Hale (Stony Brook University). Co-Investigators:  MoniqueLeBourgeois (University of Colorado, Boulder), Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (Columbia University), Anne Martin (Columbia University), Lawrence Berger (University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Project Funding: $453,575.