Evonne Kaplan-Liss, MD, MPH, FAAP Affiliated Faculty and Clinical Associate Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine, Program in Public Health, School of Journalism, and Pediatrics Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine OFFICE: HSC 3-071 EMAIL: evonne.kaplan-liss@fwmdschool.org |
PDP Scholar, Professional Development Program Stony Brook University Medical Center Stony Brook, N.Y. (2010- present)
M.P.H., Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (2003-2005)
PGY IV & V Resident, Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, N.Y. (2003-2005)
PGY I-III Resident, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y. (1997-2000)
M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1993-1997)
Pre-Med, Hunter Linkage Program, Hunter College, New York, N.Y. (1992-1993)
B.S.J., Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University,Evanston, Ill. (1984-1988)
Regents Diploma, Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, N.Y. (1980-1984)
Academic Interests:
Health communications, Journalism, and Pediatric environmental health.
Honors, Awards & Affiliations:
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Women of Distinction Rising Star Award (1996)
Evonne Kaplan-Liss Pediatric Research Award for IBD research – awarded to IBD researchers in my name in recognition of my contribution to the CCFA (1996)
American Academy of Family Physicians Summer Fellowship Award (1994)
Research Activities & Projects:
Psychogenic Illness in Response to Pandemic or Mass Biological Exposure: Development of Experimental Model
NIH – National Library of Medicine – R21
PI: Joan Broderick PhD
Role: Co-investigator
Media expert on development and testing of media effects on psychogenic illness. Worked closely with PI on grant submission and study design. Independent development of databases, data entry and analysis of data. Currently drafting initial pilot manuscript, planning for second pilot study and submitting R01 to continue our research (9/09-8/11)
NYS Network of Pediatric Environmental Centers of Excellence
NYS Department of Health Contract
Role: PI/Director
Director of one of 8 NewYork State Centers providing pediatric environmental health clinical, educational and research services to the community and medical professionals in Suffolk County (9/08-6/11)
NYS Network of Pediatric Environmental Centers of Excellence
NYS Department of Health Contract
Role: PI/Director
Director of one of 8 NewYork State Centers providing pediatric environmental health clinical, educational and research services to the community and medical professionals in Suffolk County. (3/07-8/08)
Psychogenic Illness in Response to Pandemic or Mass Biological Exposure: Development of Experimental Model
Stony Brook University Medical Center Pandemic Influenza Seed funding - TRO
PI: Joan Broderick PhD
Role: Co-investigator
Media expert on development and testing of media effects on psychogenic illness. Worked closely with PI on grant submission, study design, execution of pilot study and data analysis. (3/07-8/09)
Select Publications:
Trasande L.., Boscarino J., Graber N., Falk Raphael F., Schechter C., Dunkel G., Geslani J., Moline J., Kaplan-Liss E., Miller R., Korfmacher K., Carpenter D., Balk s., Laraque D., Frumkin H., Landrigan P. The environment in pediatric practice: a study of New York Pediatricians’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices towards children’s environmental health. J Urban Health. 2006 May; http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11524-006-9071-4.
Alexander R.J., Panja A., Kaplan-Liss E., Mayer L., Raich R.F. Expression of photooncogene-encoded mRNA by colonic epithelial cells in inflammatory bowel disease. Dig Dis Sci 1996;41(4):660-669
Alexander R.J., Panja A., Kaplan-Liss E., Mayer L., Raich R.F. Expression of growth factor receptor-encoded mRNA by colonic epithelial cells is altered in inflammatory bowel disease. Dig Dis Sci 1995;40(3):485-494.
(abstracts) Trasande L., Schechter C., Falk R., Graber N., Boscarino J., Dunkel G., Geslani J., Kaplan-Liss E., Moline J., Miller R., Korfmacher K., Carpenter D., Balk S., Laraque D., Landrigan P. Could Children’s Environmental Health Clinics be Cost-effective? – Abstract accepted for presentation at the 134th Annual APHA Meeting & Exposition, 11/06.
(abstracts) Kaplan-Liss E., Messina C. Risk Factor Model To Predict Childhood Obesity – Abstract accepted for presentation at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine 27th Annual Conference on Patient Education, 11/05.
Publications in Non-Refereed Journals and Papers
Kaplan-Liss E., Renna M. “Exercise is Medicine: A Clinician’s guide to the Exercise Perscription,” Chapter 14 Exercise is a Family Affair, March 2009.
Woolf S., Jonas S., Kaplan-Liss E. “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice,” 2nd edition textbook, managing editor, publication 2007.