Douglas Hanes, Ph.D.



Douglas Hanes

Douglas Hanes, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sean Clouston



Ph.D., Political Science, McGill University

MA, International Relations, University of Chicago

BA, Environmental Policy; BS Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, University of California San Diego

Professional Experience:

  • Research Scientist, Program in Public Health, Stony Brook Medicine, 2023-Present
  • Research Affiliate, Centre for Gender and Sexual Minority Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 2020-Present
  • Post-Doctoral Associate, Program in Public Health, Stony Brook Medicine, 2019-2023

Research Interests

Dr. Hanes’s primary area of focus is social inequalities and health outcomes; he works with Dr. Sean Clouston to study the roles of race/ethnicity, sex/gender, and sexuality in later-life cognitive health. Trained as a political scientist, Dr. Hanes is particularly interested in the role of institutions and policies that create and mitigate inequalities that lead to health disparities. Secondarily, he is also interested in how health research as an institution contributes to these inequalities, and how to better conduct research with historically marginalized groups.


Grant: Alzheimer’s Association Diversity Training Grant: “Gender-Based Violence and Women’s Later-Life Cognitive Health”

Selected Publications:

Clouston SAP, Hanes DW, Link BG. Social inequalities and the early provision and dispersal of COVID-19 vaccinations in the United States: A population trends study. Vaccine. 2023 2023/08/14/;41(36):5322-29.

Hanes DW, Clouston SAP. Cognitive Aging in Same- and Different-Sex Relationships: Comparing Age of Diagnosis and Rate of Cognitive Decline in the Health and Retirement Study. Gerontology. 2022.10.1159/000526922.

Hanes DW, Clouston SAP. Ask Again: Including Gender Identity in Longitudinal Studies of Aging. Gerontologist. 2020. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnaa107.

Hanes DW. Child Poverty, Impoverished Parenting, and Normative Childhood: Some Words of Caution. In: Brando N, Schweiger G, editors. Philosophy and Child Poverty: Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Poor Children and their Families. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2019. p. 19-49.