The mission of the Master of Public Health degree program is to train the next generation of public health practitioners, scholars and leaders so as to promote improvements in the health of all populations - including the elimination of health disparities across the life-course through excellence in education, research, community engagement, service and empowerment locally, nationally, and globally.
The vision of the Master of Public Health degree program is to improve the health of all people on Long Island and globally through leading and collaborating on impactful public health research, training competent public health professionals and developing future leaders, and engaging with diverse communities.
The Master of Public Health degree program embraces as a core value, adherence to all ethical standards of conduct and academic integrity. The MPH degree program’s culture inherently values the following: beneficence; diversity and inclusiveness; reduction of health disparities; protection of vulnerable populations; balance of public health with human rights; and community engagement.
- Beneficence - Do good and do no harm;
- Diversity and Inclusiveness - Emphasize the concept and practice of diversity in the field of public health, and encourage inclusiveness within diverse communities;
- Reduction of health disparities - Reduce the differences in health outcomes among different groups until such differences are eliminated, and promote social justice and health equity;
- Protection of vulnerable populations - Address public health issues affecting vulnerable populations and do so with a commitment to cultural competence;
- Balance of public health with human rights - Espouse a population-based approach to the health of all humans and a respect for persons; and
- Community Engagement - Build relationships with communities to promote positive changes in the health of those communities.
The MPH degree program operationalizes its values through the following pillars upon which the program stands: Instruction, Scholarship, and Service.
Goals: The goals and measurable objectives of the Master of Public Health (MPH) program are presented in the table below:
Goals and Measurable Objectives for the MPH Degree Program |
Goal Measurable Objectives |
GOAL 1: (Instruction) Admit and retain a high quality MPH student body. |
1a) A holistic review and student selection process that considers a comprehensive range of applicant factors including work experience, volunteer experience, research experience. academic metrics (e.g., GPA, course work and grades), TOEFL for students whose native language is one other than English, etc., letters of recommendation and a personal essay, highlighting the applicant’s interest in public health and potential to contribute to the field.*
*NOTE: We endorse the ASPPH position statement on admissions criteria and no longer require standardized test scores (i.e., GRE) as part of our holistic approach to admissions. https://s3.amazonaws.com/ASPPH_Media_Files/Docs/ASPPH_GRE+Position+Paper.pdf |
1b) Student performance supports optimum achievement. |
1c) Students meet an acceptable standard of professionalism and academic integrity. |
GOAL 2: (Instruction) Prepare students to meet the needs of the evolving public health field by delivering a high quality curriculum |
2a) Maintain CEPH accreditation |
2b) Faculty, student, alumni, and stakeholder positively perceive the relevance, currency and quality of the MPH curriculum, including course content, instructors, competency mapping, active learning strategies, and assessment. |
2c) Graduates’ and alumni are well prepared for work in the public health field. |
2d) Faculty attend professional development activities and make use of resources designed to maintain currency in pedagogical methods. |
2e) Faculty attend professional society meetings and take part in professional development activities in order to keep abreast of current public health issues and maintain currency in their areas of instructional responsibility. |
2f) The MPH curriculum meets the changing needs of the field. |
GOAL 3: (Scholarship) Advance knowledge in public health through MPH faculty research. |
3a) Faculty produce impactful scholarly work that attracts extramural funding.
3b) Faculty participate in national and international scholarly organizations related to public health. |
GOAL 4: (Scholarship) Actively involve students in scholarly endeavors. |
4a) Student participate in scholarly research activities.
4b) Student participate in presentations at scientific and service-related conferences. |
GOAL 5: (Service) Participation in service activities designed to meet the current needs and priorities of public health-based community partners by students and faculty. |
5a) Identify the needs and priorities of current and new service partnerships of public health-based community organizations and governmental public health agencies. |
5b) Meet the service needs and priorities of public health-based community organizations and governmental public health agencies through high-quality partnerships with faculty, staff, and students.
5c) Faculty provide their expertise to meet public health-related service needs and priorities of community partners including engaging and supervising students in activities that support the mission of collaborating organizations.
GOAL 6: (Service) Serve the continuing education needs of the public health workforce. |
6a) Educate the current public health workforce, including employees of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, the Nassau County Department of Health and public health-related non-governmental organizations (NGOs). |
6b) Professional development opportunities for the regional public health workforce including trainings with the Center for Public Health Education, the Long Island Health Collaborative members, and the Suffolk Cooperative Library System. |
GOAL 7: (Diversity, inclusion, cultural competence and equity) Meet our commitment to provide a diverse, inclusive, and equitable learning and working environment for our students, faculty, and staff. |
7a) Recruitment strategies ensure a diverse student body. |
7b) Diverse student body in terms of ethnicity/race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, clinical background, work experience, and health care and service backgrounds. |
7c) Students favorably perceive the MPH degree program’s climate regarding cultural competence, diversity, inclusion and equity and follow-up on identified areas of concern. |
7d) Recruitment strategies ensure a diverse faculty and staff. |
7e) A diverse faculty and staff in terms of ethnicity/race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, clinical background, work experience, and health care and service backgrounds. |
7f) Faculty and staff favorably perceive the MPH degree program’s climate regarding cultural competence, diversity, inclusion and equity and follow-up on identified areas of concern. |
GOAL 8: (Diversity, inclusion, cultural competence and equity) Foster a meaningful sense of cultural competence in our students, faculty, and staff |
8a) The MPH curriculum instills awareness and sensitivity to the cultural differences between populations, especially underserved populations. |
8b) Students’ service and research efforts are informed by best practices regarding cultural competence.
8c) Faculty and staff participate in professional development activities that foster cultural competence. |