Xuefeng Wang, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve
University (2012)
Professional Experience:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
of Biostatistics, Harvard University, 2011-2013
Merck Quantitative Science
Fellow, 2007-2011
Academic Interests:
Biostatistics, Statistical
Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Bioinformatics
Select Recent Publications:
Wang X, Lee
S, Lin X (2013). Family based association test via kernel machine regression
score test. Genetic Epidemiology (In press)
Wang X,
Morris NJ, Elston RC, Zhu X (2012). A variance component based multi-marker
association test using family and unrelated data. BMC Genetics 14:17
Wang X,
Morris NJ, Schaid DJ, Elston RC (2012). Power of single- vs. multimarker tests
of association. Genetic Epidemiology 26:480-487
Wang X, Qin
H, Morris NJ, et al. (2011). Testing gene-environment interactions in gene-based
association studies. BMC Proceedings 5 (Suppl 9):S26.
Wang X,
Elston RC and Zhu X (2011). Statistical interaction in human genetics: how
should we model it if we are looking for biological interaction? Nature Reviews
Genetics 12:74.
Wang X,
Elston RC and Zhu X (2010). The Meaning of Interaction. Human Heredity
Honors, Awards & Affiliations:
Symposium Travel Grant, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2013
2012 PQG
Stellar Award, Harvard University, Oct 2012
The Program
in Quantitative Genomics Travel Fund, HSPH, 2012
Jane Olson
Award, Case Western Reserve University, April 2012.
Foundation Quantitative Science Fellowship 2007-2011.
NIH Travel
Award, Advanced Gene Mapping Course, 2010.
Internship in Statistics, Mayo Clinic, 2009.
Award, SISG, University of Washington, 2008.
Member, American
Statistical Association (ASA).
Member, American
Society of Human Genetics (ASHG).
Member, ENAR
International Biometric Society (ENAR/IBS).
Member, International
Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES).